Monday, June 11, 2007

Discovery Post June 11, 2007

Week One:

Discovered that maintaining a post can be done! I am learning that slow and sure does win the race and that setting aside time to work on the Blog is a good thing!

The Road less taken

Right now, I am reading "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy. It is really intense, devastating and dense reading to get through due to the subject matter, but I like to read alternating types of fiction to give myself some breathing room. I had just finished "Under the Tuscan Sun" and I wanted to read a title that would take me to another place. "The Road" is dark, but rest assured, my next title will be fluffy and sweet. Which in turn will be followed by some macabre and scary tome. I find that I read a greater variety of titles following this formula.

23 Things to Go

That is Lilly on the top and Claire on the bottom. My nieces! I can't wait to see what they will do with blogs when they grow up!

First Blog? Not really, but the first one that I will be working on. I abandoned my last blog when I moved from Charlottesville, VA to Takoma Park, MD. However, I am confident that with a little help from my "23 Things" training, I will keep up this good habit. Habits and accessibility are the cornerstones that I would like to build my technology training on. If you work with a new database or technology on a daily or weekly basis, you will develop skills and learn how to use it to the best of its ability. However, if you are limited to your access or don't find the time to practice, you will never learn how to truly get the most out of that product. I am hoping to hone my skills and propel my learning into high gear. I am also looking forward to making learning a bigger part of my life. Well, that and visiting Detroit to see the cute nieces!