Tuesday, August 21, 2007

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen... goodbye!

The end of the Blog!

Yes, 23 things did teach me a great deal about working with new technologies, keeping UTD on terminology (RSS, blog, Wiki, etc.) and really making myself keep up with the learning that I had set out to do.
I liked the format, but it would have been nice to have a staff program explaining what 23 things is and perhaps going into some of the "things" beforehand so that it would be easy to replicate the task when it was time. Also, because of the time crunch most PGCMLS staff deal with, it might have been great to block off even just 1/2 hour a week for all participating staff to complete their tasks for the week. Just 5ish hours would have really helped to get more people on board. Also, if we had the technology to extend to all staff members, than it would have been easier for everyone to complete.
A big thank you should go out to Albert who set this up. Even if you did not have the time to complete, you learned a great deal. And that is what this project was about. Thanks to 23 Things I will keep on blogging, develop a Wiki for work and keep UTD on trends.

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